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GameMode.use Is a method to simulate filterscript, which is used for logical reuse into GameMode.


Because it is a simulation rather than a real filterscript, you cannot operate these scripts through commands such as rcon loadfs/unloadfs.


interface IFilterScript {
  name: string;
  load: (...args: Array<any>) => Array<() => void> | Promise<Array<() => void>>;
  unload: () => any;
  [propName: string | number | symbol]: any;

type Use = (plugin: IFilterScript, ...options: Array<any>) => GameMode;

Define script

You can write some logical reuse scripts yourself and share them with others through node package or other ways.

import { GameMode } from "@infernus/core";
import type { IFilterScript } from "@infernus/core";

interface IMyScriptOptions {
  debug?: boolean;

interface IMyScript extends IFilterScript {
  load(options: IMyScriptOptions): ReturnType<IFilterScript["load"]>;

const MyScript: IMyScript = {
  name: "my_script",
  load(...args) {
    console.log('My script loaded.', args);
  unload() {
    console.log('My script unloaded.');

// No parameters are passed to the load method
// Pass parameters to the load method
GameMode.use(MyScript, 'arg1', 'arg2', "arg...");


Registered scripts are automatically loaded after the GameMode init. The loaded script is automatically unloaded when the GameMode exit.

Load command

  • GameMode.loadUseScript(name: string): Load a registered script
  • GameMode.unloadUseScript(name: string): Unload a registered script
  • GameMode.reloadUseScript(name: string): Reload a registered script


import { GameMode, PlayerEvent } from "@infernus/core";

PlayerEvent.onCommandText("reloadMyScript", ({ next }) => {
  return next();



You should not register the GameMode.onInit event in the load function, because the function is executed in its event when it is loaded through GameMode.use.

If you use middleware functions in the load function, you should return an array of canceled middleware functions at the end, otherwise there will be a memory leak phenomenon! For other global variables, such as timers, you should reset them in the unload function!

The reason is simple, if you don't do this, the middleware will not be unloaded when the GameMode is restarted or manually executed the script command restart, and every time the script is loaded, a new middle function is added, which will cause memory leak!

In addition, you should not call the script.load() or script.unload(),You should use the load command to call.


const MyScript = {
  name: 'my_script',
  load(...args) {
    const off1 = PlayerEvent.onCommandText("foo", ({ player, next }) => {
      return next();

    const off2 = PlayerEvent.onConnect(({ player, next }) => {
      return next();

    return [off1, off2];
  unload() {



Rewrite the official filterscript

Infernus has tried to rewrite the official filterscript. You can try it by installing @infernus/fs.

If you are interested, you can refer to these cases to familiarize you with the syntax faster. You can also download the source code and modify it to better apply it in your GameMode.

pnpm install @infernus/fs
import { GameMode } from "@infernus/core";
import { A51Base } from "@infernus/fs";

GameMode.use(A51Base, { debug: true });

Then you enter /a51 in the game to teleport to the base.